What is unnatural? Unnatural is that which is not natural.Yes, the quote does not make any sense whatsoever.
How can something be not natural? Nature encompasses all of existence.
Human beings are a part of nature, we evolved just like other animals, we are part of the natural order
there are some people who say that the way we impact are environmnt is unnatural,

It doesn't make any sense.

Unnatural is just a result of our OCD to give every word a counter one- left for right, in for out, light for dark, it's a need for balance. These words are necessary, but not every word has an opposite. Nature has no opposite as nature contains everything. All of this does make one point said, that unnatural is evil and therefore to be abolished. Or is it?

It's wrong because if something is unnatural, it is wrong. Why is unnatural equated to bad? It is not an argument, but more like a justification. Humans don't like something that deviates from the norm and instead of overcoming our fears, we just try to justify them. It's an immediate excuse. If you do something to something, terming that thing unnatural instantaneously justifies your actions.
Unnatural, if such a thing existed, would be entirely different. A neutral concept with nothing inherently evil about it and it's the context that proves it otherwise.
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