As with the previous post (10 grossest words), I have a few words that brighten up my mind and radiate serenity. I have tried to choose words instead of concepts so that already formed images don't conflict with the mollifying effect of the words.
Here is my relationship with words:
1) Chime: def. A set of tuned metal used as an orchestral instrument.
Chime is an awesome word, it truly expresses the meaning of repose. Wind-chime is also another peaceful word.
Use in an awesome sentence: The two lovers were reunited by the chime of the perfectly timed clock.
2) Cloud: def. A mass of condensed water vapor floating in the atmosphere.
Cloud is a bucolic word with a nice texture as it flows out of my mouth, almost like cotton fluff.
Use in an awesome sentence: He saw the floating cloud above him and knew that his dad will always be with him.
These are just a few of the countless pure words in the English language. Comment to share your own. :)
Here is my relationship with words:
1) Chime: def. A set of tuned metal used as an orchestral instrument.
Chime is an awesome word, it truly expresses the meaning of repose. Wind-chime is also another peaceful word.
Use in an awesome sentence: The two lovers were reunited by the chime of the perfectly timed clock.
2) Cloud: def. A mass of condensed water vapor floating in the atmosphere.
Cloud is a bucolic word with a nice texture as it flows out of my mouth, almost like cotton fluff.
Use in an awesome sentence: He saw the floating cloud above him and knew that his dad will always be with him.
3) Epiphany: def. A sudden manifestation of the essence or meaning of something.
Epiphany always reminds me of brilliance, of an ingenious idea that cannot be destroyed.
Use in an awesome sentence: Sheldon-"I sense that you're trying to slow-walk me to an epiphany. Would you mind very much jumping to it?"
4) Mist: def. A condensed vapor settling in fine droplets on a surface.
The definition doesn't do justice to the word's mysterious soothing power that just beams out.
Use in an awesome sentence: It was a cold winter morning and the brazen fields were concealed by mist.
5) Era: def. A major division of time.
I don't know if because of the way of pronouncing this word or the intonation of the meaning that this word sounds so pleasant.
Use in an awesome sentence: Morning eras passed by as the fiery earth was pacified and the oceans were born.
6) Merge: def. To combine to form a single entity.
Merge is the perfect word for its meaning. It eloquently expresses the right blend of grace and elegance.
Use in an awesome sentence: The three identities merged into one to form the perfect mind.
7) Exotic: def. Of a kind not ordinarily encountered.
Exotic is permanently branded with ambience for me!
Use in an awesome sentence: The discovery of the exotic 'God' particle rejoiced the atheists.
8) Trance: def. A state of abstraction.
Trance is like a calm inner space, an unbiased bliss. It immediately numbs the body and calms the mind.
Use in an awesome sentence: As he approached the inner conflict, she put him in trance.
9) Requisite: def. Made necessary by particular circumstances.
Requisite is a very smooth word, like a slippery moss covered stone and certainly sounds like it.
Use in an awesome sentence: She believed privacy to be a requisite for a peaceful life.
10) Essence: def. Something abstract that determines its character.
Essence just reveals the soul. It is like an elixir of smell(another nice word). I like the sound made by the triple 's'.
Use in an awesome sentence: Soul is the very essence of life.
These are just a few of the countless pure words in the English language. Comment to share your own. :)
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